Loss & Restoration

Some situations and experiences are common among widowed parents. This page shows that there is more than one way to approach the same issue.

Going it Alone

As an "only parent," you have more on your shoulders than ever before.  At the same time, you feel physically exhausted and emotionally drained.

One parent told us that being a widowed parent is to live with "relentless fatigue."  Hear other parents discuss how they manage.

Grieving Your Loss

Grief is complicated, and coping with the loss of a spouse or partner at an early age is something that most never experience.

There is no "right" or "wrong" way to do this. As you'll hear in this video, each person grieves in his or her own way.

The Wedding Ring Thing

Deciding when to take off your wedding ring can raise many questions.

Is it too soon? What if you still feel married?  What will people say? What will your kids think?  Does this mean you're ready to date again?!?

See how these parents dealt with this decision.

No Such Thing as a "Perfect" Parent

As a widowed parent, its easy to feel like you need to be "SuperMom" or "SuperDad." The good news is that your children don't need you to be perfect.

Listen to these parents discuss playing the parts of both Mom and Dad.

Traditions and Holidays

Deciding how to celebrate holidays and whether to continue family traditions can be particularly challenging when children are involved.

Should you keep the same traditions as when Mom or Dad was alive?  Should you create new ones now that Mom or Dad is gone?

It’s Been a Year Now

The anniversary of the death of your loved one a date you'll never forget.  Yet, there is no roadmap for how to approach and mark that day.

Listen to parents describe how they got through that first anniversary.

What Has Helped

Along the way, you will learn ways to manage your grief and the stress of being an "only parent."

Learn some strategies that parents used to help them cope.